Spring Detox with Scobi Kombucha

Spring is a natural time for cleansing your body and your surroundings. Whether it is spring cleaning, weight loss or the process of animals losing their winter coats. Spring is a chance at a fresh start for everyone. It is the perfect time to give your body a reboot after a long, slow-moving winter. Start your Spring cleanse with a bottle of kombucha.

You may have heard that kombucha is a healthy beverage and detoxifier. But how exactly does that happen? And what is the best way for you to go about starting this detoxification process? 

How does kombucha help support the detox process?

  • Introduces beneficial microbes to the gut

  • Supports liver function (Fun Fact: The liver, pancreas, and kidneys are all important organs in the detoxification process) 

  • Kombucha is rich in glucaric acid. Recent studies show that glucaric acid assists the liver and reduces the burden on the pancreas and kidneys, making the detox process run more efficiently.

Sometimes we hear people say “kombucha just doesn’t agree with my body.” Here are some helpful guidelines to get started with a kombucha detox that does agree with your body. It is recommended that new kombucha drinkers start with just a few ounces of kombucha a day along with lots of water to ease the body into the detox process. Over time, the body adjusts and you’ll be able to add more kombucha as you like. Finding the right amount of kombucha is unique to each individual, so take your time in finding what’s right for you.

Kombucha has many health benefits and is a great supplement, along with a healthy diet and exercise, for a wholesome spring detox experience. For more reasons to enjoy kombucha check out our other blog post about why athletes drink kombucha as a recovery drink

Spring is almost here. Let’s get ready to enjoy it!