5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Immune System

During these challenging and uncertain times of COVID-19, it is more important than ever to take care of your body and mind.

Here are 5 simple ways to give your immune system that extra boost:

  1. Stock up on Vit C. Eat more foods that are rich in Vitamin C such as red bell peppers, lemons, oranges, strawberries or kale.

  2. Reduce your processed sugar and alcohol intake 

  3. Exercise to keep your body strong. Find something that you really enjoy - whether it’s Yoga, a weight lifting session or an at-home HIIT workout.

  4. Mindfulness. Relax! Stress is one of the biggest enemies for your immune system. Schedule some extra self-care sessions or try meditation. Keep those positive thoughts coming!

  5. Keep your gut healthy! A healthy gut is crucial for a strong immune system. Fermented foods such as kombucha, sauerkraut or kimchi help to support healthy gut flora.

HealthKara Hagen