Let's talk tea! Our local supplier - Tea Series Part 1

By Savannah Franklin

Our tea supplier and why we partner with them:

Tea is a very important component of brewing kombucha, and we believe that our high quality tea is one of the reasons our product tastes so good. We strive to use exclusively local ingredients. Sage and Cedar Herbal Wellness of Spearfish has been supplying us with delicious tea since November of 2018. I sat down to talk to Sage and Cedar to learn more about their business and ask them the questions we’ve all been wondering about tea!

Sage and Cedar officially launched in June of 2018 after many months of creating tea blends, studying herbal medicine, and making lots of tea for friends and family. Integrating their knowledge of herbalism into their own lives, and seeing the lack of access to these healing tools in the community, they set out to create a reliable source for premium quality herbs and tea. Thus sparking the fire burning within Sage and Cedar Herbal Wellness.

Antioxidants and other benefits of tea:

For this week of our Tea Series, we will be discussing the health benefits of drinking tea. Tea leaves are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that are beneficial to the whole body. Herbs have a wide range of effects on the body, and these vary based on each individual herb. In short, herbs work with the body to promote overall health. No herb can magically fix any issue, but in conjunction with a healthy diet, moderate exercise, adequate water consumption, and an open attitude towards their healing benefits one can experience improvement in their overall health. The best way to get herbs to work for you is to have faith in their capabilities and have faith in yourself to understand what they have to teach you. Tea is a wonderful art that anyone can incorporate into their daily life. Whether you are seeking a boost in energy, a refreshing beverage, or a relaxing way to wind down at the end of the day, herbs are here for you and ready to help boost your quality of life!

Drink tea and Scobi on!